Aaron Stayman
has been involved in New York politics extensively since 2018, when he got involved with Alessandra Biaggi's primary campaign and ultimately became the head of volunteer canvassing activities in the Riverdale area. Since that race, Aaron became a vice president of the Benjamin Franklin Reform Democratic Club, where he overhauled their website and helped to lead efforts to phone bank for Virginia's pivotal 2019 election as well as the 2020 presidential election
Aaron has since helped start the new Unity Democratic Club, where he has acted as the club's first treasurer, setting up the club in a way that facilitated transparency in monetary reporting practices (you can search the club's finances on New York's Board of Election website). He currently acts as the club's Membership Chair, and helped to lead successful doorknocking efforts in the Hudson Valley in 2022 for Pat Ryan for Congress.
Aaron is also a member of the Orthodox Jewish community in Riverdale and works in the private sector as a marketing analytics consultant. Aaron also leads numerous committees at the synagogues he belongs to, where he aims for inclusive community building and serious organization to assure progress on his numerous projects. He lives in Riverdale with his wife, Rachel, and his daughter, Sophia.